Roadmap provides information gathering services that support policymaking and risk assessment, focusing on the Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel and neighboring countries. Roadmap supplies corporations, diplomats, research institutes, NGOs and others with solid – and often exclusive – information based on documented evidence.

Combining expert academic training with seasoned fieldwork skills, Roadmap is uniquely able to obtain and process information critical to decision makers. Roadmap has its ear to the ground, operating in the region and close to the source.

Navigating the often complex regional terrain is Roadmap’s specialty, providing accurate political mapping of the ever-changing organizational structures and leadership power plays in the area.

Founded by Arnon Regular in 2006, the Roadmap team includes highly trained specialists in Palestinian and Middle Eastern affairs who thoroughly monitor open sources and cultivate access to primary sources in the field. Roadmap understands the big picture and the processes involved, delivering only the most relevant information.
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